Oh, Three-Eyed One, we adore you.
Your sweet fragrance permeates all and brings abundance.
Like the cucumber separated from the vine,
Free us from attachment,
But do not withhold immortality
Listen to the mantra:
This mantra, called the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra (or Death-Conquering Mantra), is Vedic and used during many of our closed circles at SHARANYA to invoke and honor Shiva, the Three-eyed One, He Who Removes Fear From (i.e., Conquers) Death.
This mantra invites us to celebrate that which permeates the three worlds, the essence of devotion, toward a liberation from ego attachment. It is a meditation into selfless surrender, a dissolving therefore of the pain we feel when attached to this world and its encumbrances, and then separated from them. Were we not attached so strongly, we would not feel the “death” and our sense of it would not lead to such suffering.
We utilize this mantra to meditate on that which liberates us from the attachments and agendas of the mundane realm. We pray with it to grant us freedom of thought and clarity of mind so that we may follow our heart’s longing for deep connection with the true nature of life, which goes beyond death of the body and the small self.
Use this mantra in your daily practice to facilitate movement toward non-dual awareness, that which lies outside your relationship with a personalization of the Divine. Like the cucumber liberated from the vine, free yourself with this mantra and enjoy the refreshing, cooling nourishment you can receive through your practice.