


Abhicarika: Magickal Spells

Tantra and the Craft are both filled with the workings of magic, with charms and spells, protections and talismans. Practitioners the world over do magic–the mindful altering of consciousness–in order to affect the seen and/or unseen worlds. Whether through meditation, focused concentration, or other means, the ancient practices of Tantra help us engage in the…

2009 Berkeley Pagan Pride Day

This past Saturday, SHARANYA enjoyed a day at the park in Berkeley for Pagan Pride Day. This is the fourth time we’ve participated in the festival, and this year, the weather was absolutely beautiful, spirits delightful, and everyone in a good mood it seemed! We offered friends new and old information about our Devi Mandir…

Voices of the Goddess: Women Clergy in East & West

Women have long been the keepers of spiritual wisdom and insight, with numerous traditions around the globe providing examples of women’s esteemed presence, practice, leadership, and mystical experience in communion with the Divine, however that may be defined. Still, in a world dominated by patriarchal faiths and institutions, women are often excluded from positions of…

Jai Maa & Om Hraum Namah Shivaya!

Over forty people gathered last evening in celebration of Maa Kali and Lord Shiva. We came together, new faces and regular attendees alike, to fall even more deeply in love with the Divine. Our regular venue, the Cultural Integration Fellowship, hosted us on this rainy night as each of us found breath awareness and connection…

The Choices We Make

I marched last Friday. I marched because for me, it was the right thing to do. But I marched in silence amidst the cheers and horns and chants. I walked in silence because the power of my presence, mine joined with so many others, made a statement in and of itself. I walked in silence…



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