Translation: Nectar of immortality, which in form contains pure knowledge at the highest stage of identity with the Divine,You are this nectar of immortality; let this substance become filled with such wisdom. Listen to t...
Translation: Oh, Three-Eyed One, we adore you. Your sweet fragrance permeates all and brings abundance. Like the cucumber separated from the vine, Free us from attachment, But do not withhold immortality Listen to the man...
Translation: Om the Ganges, Jamuna, Godavari, Sarasvati, Narmada, Sindhu and Kaveri, these waters (of the seven sacred rivers of the Indian Subcontinent) are brought together (in order to make the water sacred, a reflecti...
Translation: Great God, Reliever of Suffering, Great Mover of Energy in the Body (Yogi), Supreme One I hold in my heart (Ishvara), Remover of Difficulty, You who carries the vibrations of “M” (that which is th...
Translation: Agni, God of Fire, we praise you, you who lead the sacrifice and are the power of it; you, oh shining one, who knows the proper time and place of our surrender. You who offer mantras in praise, and place deli...
Translation: Source of All Blessings, Auspicious One, She Who Is Refuge, She Who Has Three Eyes, Golden One, Bestower of All Wishes, Blessed of All Blessed Ones, I honor you! Listen to the mantra: This famous mantra, know...