Exploring a Cross-Cultural Women’s Spirituality: Inspirations from India

Categories: Articles,The Sha'can Tradition

By: Chandra Alexandre


She is Everywhere! This chapter is from Volume 2, An Anthology of Writing in Womanist/Feminist Spirituality.

One counter-force to manipulative patriarchal identity branding and hierarchal control is the relatively recent development in the modern west of an articulated and engaged Goddess-centered spirituality. Within “Women’s Spirituality,” as the movement is sometimes called, are contained subversive tactics and stances that define spiritual, womanist/feminist, and woman-honoring spaces from inside as well as outside the mainstream. Many are subversive (if not antinomian) because they serve to undermine pathological systems and/or move experience or consciousness beyond specific patriarchal, national, political, and religio-cultural boundaries.

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