Pani Sadhana

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At SHARANYA, we hold monthly closed circles (in addition to our Daughters of Kali group) for initiates and those studying the Sha’can path. At each meeting, we review material, learn new mantras and spiritual technologies, and do ceremony to help us embody the work we’re doing individually and together. In February, we met to learn about yantras and possibilities for engagement with them. One of the points that arose from the teachings came out of the fact that in Tantra, we have seven different levels on which to engage with reality while on the spiritual journey. One way is through karma and our daily activities.

With this in mind, our discussion turned to mindfulness about food and drink, with several community members noting that putting a mantra on a bottle of water to have throughout the day is a great way to maintain mindfulness and dedicate prana consciously. Out of this idea and the corresponding reflection on the work of Masaru Emoto, our Pani Sadhana was born (click here for a definition of sadhana)!

Week 1:

A practice suggestion for this week might be to work with the mantra found here for world happiness. Place the mantra on your water bottle and read it aloud before you drink. What do you notice? Feel free to share your reflections with us in community!

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